HANAH boosted espresso

When HANAH Founder Joel Einhorn travels to countries like India, Bhutan or Japan he always comes home with potential new products. To better understand how HANAH Coffee Boost came about, we asked him and even nabbed his favorite coffee recipe:
"We set out to create a non-dairy coffee supplement that would enhance people's normal coffee by supporting cognition mental clarity, boost the immune system and help manage stress. After two years of research alongside our Ayurvedic doctors, we chose three nootropic herbs that specifically work well with coffee and have renowned brain-boosting and stress-supporting benefits. It’s your coffee, only better."
- 1-2 shots of espresso
- 1 teaspoon HANAH Coffee Boost
- Brew up the espresso on the stove-top or your mighty espresso machine
- Pour into small mug, add Coffee Boost, mix together and enjoy!