Cold matcha green tea

Craving a refreshing cold drink that packs a nutrient-dense punch? Try this satisfying adaptogenic matcha iced green tea recipe from HANAH Hero Bibi McGill that will keep you energized and feeling good through the afternoon.
- 5 ounces coconut water
- 5 ounces coconut milk
- Handful of ice (add more for a thicker consistency)
- 6 raw dates
- 2 teaspoons Mizuba Matcha green tea
- 1 teaspoon HANAH Ashwaghanda
- 1 teaspoon mesquite superfood
- 1 teaspoon hemp hearts
- 1 teaspoon of Macuna pruriens (a natural source of L-dopa)
- Dash vanilla extract
- A few drops of stevia and cinnamon
- Put all ingredients in a blender and mix until smooth!