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Article: HANAH testimonials: Your ONE Thing!

HANAH testimonials: Your ONE Thing!

HANAH testimonials: Your ONE Thing!

If you missed our ONE Thing campaign, don't fear! We'd still love to hear from you. We did want to share some of the wonderful reviews, highlighted below. If you have something to share, please email us directly or better yet, leave a review specific to our products here!

What people told us

"HANAH and a career change really help me start the day off with purpose."

"HANAH ONE is kind of incredible."

"We always start the day with our own version of bulletproof coffee with HANAH ONE, Ghee, and Ashwagandha."

Veronica:I am a social scientist, professor, and endurance athlete. My favorite activities are engaging in the research process and going on long adventures in the Sierra Nevada. When I started adding HANAH ONE to my morning smoothies, I was looking for mental clarity, better digestion, and improvements in endurance. I have noticed that HANAH ONE provides me with a steady, clean energy that isn’t overwhelming. I feel better overall, not in one specific area. As a result though, I am able to balance the two demanding sides of my life successfully."

Azita: "Every day, I try one full spoon of HANAH straight out of the jar. The dark, earthy, spicy, creamy and robust nature of this magical blend please my taste buds and gives my palate a burst of excitement and comfort. I connect with the healing remedies of HANAH in my soul level. It was talking as gently as it can with my body, awakening my senses with its healing potential. I believe that the HANAH ONE is the one and the only one that can heal my body. With love and gratitude to your team in Kerala, Bhutan, US. THANK YOU, THANK YOU!"



Maya: "I'm really grateful for the HANAH products that I've tried. HANAH ONE is kind of incredible. I began adding HANAH ONE to my routine when I increased my jogging frequency. My legs were always sore, my knee hurt, and I felt fatigued despite personal changes to my routine. HANAH ONE helped me transition to greater strength, flexibility, and energy. I really appreciate this product. For a time I also combined it with the Turmeric supplements. I have actually continued taking the Turmeric during this pandemic time, as my anxiety levels and doomsday-scrolling hit an all-time high. The Turmeric gently elevated my mind-set and helped me rise out of the routine of, well, dread. It also - again, gently - lifted my energy during the day. For both the ONE and Turmeric products, I have confidence in quality and production, which is insanely relieving in these times we live in, where we have to examine how everything is made to ensure our own (and others') well-being. Thanks a bunch, HANAH. You all make great stuff."

Thomas: "I recently made a commitment to better my mind and body with an emphasis on physical activity and mindfulness. HANAH Coffee Boost has given me the clarity and focus to power through my mornings when I'm at my most productive. I'm less distracted and I feel like I can prioritize my thoughts and actions much easier. HANAH ONE Go-Packs have powered my afternoons whether it's a strenuous workout or a long day in the mountains. It tastes great and has become a ritual I can't miss. The lifestyle shift has been important, but just as important has been what I've been putting into my body. The HANAH supplements I've tried have made me feel the best by far in almost every category from energy and drive to focus and mental clarity."

HANAH Coffee Boost

Roland: "When I was able to juice in the mornings I would supplement my juice with Ashwagandha.  Then I would take a spoonful of HANAH ONE. This was my morning ritual, I was energetic and ready for my daily tasks."

Mike: "A friend gave me a couple Go-Packs prior to a long trip out West with my family. Each was like a shot of coffee, calm, and endurance when absolutely necessary while marching with the kids through the Teton range. Great product!"

Dane: "I have been using HANAH ONE for about three months and I have noticed a HUGE difference in my overall focus, performance, and energy during my normal, but very active lifestyle.  I take HANAH ONE every morning before 6 a.m. practice with the college team at CSUMB. It has helped me maintain energy through 3-4 hours of training with the team, and then also moving into my own activities throughout the day. I typically will play beach volleyball, surf, hike, or lift weights every day. The ability to have the right type of fuel is essential for peak performance in each of these activities. I have also been using a midday HANAH pick me up when I know I have two practices in one day (college and club team) or even on days when playing a beach volleyball tournament in Santa Cruz. I feel like I have a secret weapon and a competitive advantage when I use HANAH ONE!  It just gives me a lot more confidence knowing that I have the right type of fuel in my body. My favorite way to eat HANAH ONE is making a bowl of my HANAH ONE/Golden Milk Oatmeal. I have this almost every morning and it is guaranteed to make you jump higher on the volleyball court! haha :)"

Jason: My fiancé and I LOVE HANAH ONE. Whether we’re going rock climbing all day or sticking around the house writing music, we always start the day with our own version of bulletproof coffee with HANAH ONE, Ghee, and Ashwagandha. Every product in the line is fantastic but those are the three we enjoy the most. It keeps the energy flowing smoothly all day. By dinner time our mental clarity hasn’t faded. No crashing after lunchtime. HANAH ONE is the foundation of our daily ritual, and it helps to fuel us from the recording studio, to the gym, to the rock walls, and back again. Hopefully it’ll stay that way forever!"

Ben: "I am a scientist by training so am inherently skeptical of claims made by supplement makers, but I've been taking HANAH ONE for a few years now and have found it to help immensely when I have to lecture in front of my college Biology classes. It helps me find the right words quickly and coherently tell a story about the various biological process I am describing. HANAH ONE definitely helps me with my mental clarity in this regard. And as far as working out, I use HANAH ONE now as my fuel before I do any activity, particularly things like running or cycling, where I am trying to get a faster time, and I think HANAH ONE helps me do that every single time, it's truly an awesome product."

Josh: "I wake up before dawn to be in the ocean paddling out sometimes for hours and knowing that what I put in my body can give me the best chance to be 110% when those magical big sets come is key to my body & brain in the moment!"

Andrew: "I like to mix it up. I enjoy a multitude of activities from skiing, biking, rafting to running and swimming. To stay healthy and active I stretch daily along with a balanced diet with mostly vegetables and fruits. I knew something was missing still, after talking to a friend he recommended HANAH for me to get more nutrients and adaptogens into my diet! Just about two months have passed now and I’m stoked on the boost HANAH one gives me. Although I like to mix it up HANAH has certainly cemented itself for me as a daily go to!

Joshua: “I started taking HANAH ONE and Ashwagandha+ as well as the Turmeric about 2 years ago. My friend who is a big Jimmy Chin fan turned me onto it. I loved the Ashwagandha and the time tic was about the cleanest most bioavailable I had ever tried the HANAH ONE took me some time to get used to. I noticed that after some time I wouldn’t get those 1-2 days where you feel like you are getting sick and then don’t. Once I realized I hadn’t had one of those in a very long time I was hooked."

HANAH Ashwagandha Product page

Ken:I love getting my jar of HANAH ONE each month, opening each jar to see the rich, varying consistency and to smell sweet earth in the product. I tore a labrum a couple years ago, the pain lingered for months and only fully healed once I started taking HANAH ONE. I still enjoy eating a big spoonful each morning, but lately I'm totally into a smoothie with H1, mushroom coffee, frozen fruit, peanut butter and protein powder. When I eat HANAH ONE, I feel like I'm filling my body with the rich and beautiful bounty of creation."

Derek: "As an outdoor enthusiast and someone who loves to workout I immediately became a really early adopter once HANAH was launched.  I was looking for something to replace vitamins with a more natural supplement.  HANAH checks all those boxes, sustainably sourced, great communication, and continually updating their product line.  HANAH one is my go to, for all things.  Haven't been sick in years, recover faster, more focused during the day.  Always impressed.  And any time I've had an issue with the product/shipping their support team has been super accommodating and responsive to fixes any issue.  Thank you for the goodness!"

Tyler: "I'm a BIG fan of both HANAH ONE and COFFEE BOOST. HANAH ONE is a great snack in the morning, before lunch and COFFEE BOOST helps avoid that crash I normally experience early in the afternoons. I trust the quality of both of these products and they haven't let me down."

Angela: "HANAH has become a staple in my daily routine that I can’t imagine not having it in my mornings. It has had such a positive impact on digestion and energy combined with my vegetarian lifestyle. Last year, I raced over 1000 miles on the #Liv2Day campaign for Ironman Foundation and HANAH was an integral part of keeping me healthy and balanced for completing those 9 Ironman races. Love the product, love the focus of the company. Thank you HANAH🤗🌸🚴 🏃‍♀️ 🏊🏻‍♀️"

Lisa:  "Powerhouse of Nutrition - I found that while using HANAH products, my body was not only working better but it was receiving more of what it needed from the foods I was eating.  I lead a very healthy lifestyle but sometimes I still struggle to keep my body working optimally.  HANAH products supported my body on a cellular level and allowed it to utilize everything that I give it and do for it."

Glen: "I am a martial artist and have been for the past 26 years. HANAH one is the first product that provides the right mixture of ingredients that provides me the inner health I require. As a practicing enthusiast, I need all of the health and energy I can maintain at the age of 55."

Matt: "I'm usually taking supplements to recharge for my outdoor life and my work life. I work nights in a critical care ICU. When I get home I'm usually pretty toasted so a smoothie is always in order. Adding HANAH has helped with digestion and sleep. On my off time I also use it when I head out to the coast or the mountains. Thanks for making a good tasting beneficial product for our hectic lives."

Christiaan: "Great product!  I enjoy mixing HANAH ONE with organic PB for a treat in the evenings!  Tastes unbelievable and gives a big boost to my immune system."

David    Been taking for 3 weeks now.  Working from home (like almost everyone) and it has really made a difference in how I feel in the afternoons.  I truly feel more ability to focus and just get sh** done.

Roxi" "I am actually surprised at how much more energy I have. Usually it takes me a few hours to really wake up and get moving. After two weeks of HANAH I’m up early, filled with energy, accomplishing the things I need to get done and getting in my exercise all before 9 am. I feel so much better and have been telling my family and friends about this superfood. Thanks for giving me my mojo back😉"

HANAH Cordyceps+ page

TORI: "My sister introduced me to HANAH ONE, as I had been struggling with sleep and terrible digestion issues. My digestion has never been better in my whole entire life and my energy levels are up. I'm so grateful she brought HANAH ONE into my life and times and I can't imagine functioning without it."

Mariah: "Mid afternoon - I make up a mixture of coconut oil, HANAH, ground flax, almond butter, Hemp seeds and Monkfruit. I holds me until dinner and I CRAVE it!. Feeling strong, alert, good mood and full of fiber too. Age 68"

Daniel: "I just found HANAH LIFE recently and about fell over when I read the ingredients and how most of them are sourced! I look forward to beginning a routine and I know the benefits will follow. It's one of those things that you have a good feeling about. Be it part of your workout or your daily health regimen. HANAH Life will deliver!

Micah: "I've been taking HANAH ONE every morning for about a year now and the results have been fantastic. I've not a coffee drinker so finding a natural energy boost to power through that 2pm wall has been key. I also travel a ton for work pre-COVID and haven't noticed my immune system slip once since I've started taking HANAH. Thank you!"

Ashley: "My first experience with HANAH one began this past winter with original HANAH ONE in hot water or in rooibos tea to take to work or in a thermus for a ski tour. I work early mornings at a hospital and noticed sharper focus when I'm usually still feeling half asleep. My favorite aspect of HANAH one is the quality: the stuff is legit!"

Helaina: “I am an avid outdoors person lots of hiking, running, climbing, white water kayaking, and so on. But I am always tired, like all the time, HANAH and a career change really help me start the day off with purpose and this shift wakes me up to do all the things I love to do!"

John: "I've been taking ONE for a few years now, and last year began on the Coffee Boost and Ashwagandha.  I feel pretty awake in the morning after this, and the energy lasts all day.  My mental clarity is improved all day long too, and I feel less stressed throughout the day.  I'm able to exercise more vigorously and regularly too.  I'm an Emergency Physician, and in my early 60s.  I think the combo of ONE and Coffee Boost (and probably the Ashwaganda too) helps keep me healthy, energized and focused throughout the day, at work and at play."

Joey: "Attempting to balance a busy medical practice, family life and physical activity during a uniquely challenging time in our history, it has been important to maintain my own health, balance and energy with daily replenishment of twice daily doses of HANAH ONE, Shilajit & Turmeric+. I’ve felt a stable, sustainable energy, staying healthy in mind and body. I look forward to starting my day at 4 a.m. with my first serving of each, followed by a pick me up of each supplement at the end of the workday. This helps me feel physically strong and mentally sound from dawn to bed time. Thank you for producing such excellent products."

HANAH Shilajit+ 

Meredith: I've been taking HANAH ONE every morning for about 3 years now. I am a firm believer in the benefits of regularly taking HANAH ONE. During non-pandemic times it is common for me to travel 2 to 3 weeks out of the month, every month. I travel all over the world for my work and often times get very little sleep due to tight schedules and meetings in many different time zones. On top of that I am an avid runner and climber in my home state of Colorado - I made a deal with myself that I would only put in the hours and travel that I do at my job if I'm still able to have the energy and determination to live my active life too. HANAH ONE has kept me healthy and energized to accomplish all of that. I have not even had a cold in three years of sustained travel, long hours, and frequent adventures."

Elizabeth:  "I had been interesting in adding HANAH ONE to my daily routine for a while. I was particularly interested in the product for the mental benefits as well as gaining enhanced wellness. Especially now, I value the overall wellness benefits of HANAH ONE as well as the immune system support. I take HANAH ONE because it makes me feel better, mind and body."

Kerrington: "I started using HANAH Ashwagandha back in 2017 and I must say I was impressed after the first 30 minutes of taking it. It felt like there were millions of fairies massaging my body. It has been a morning staple for me ever since. I loved it so much that I bought a friend of mine a container of Ash for her birthday and at first she thought it was a goofy gift from me. Who gives a supplement as a birthday gift anyway? That's right I did. And guess what? She loved it and ended up buying some and giving one to her friend! That's paying it forward! I gave it to her because I wanted to spread the love that I was feeling. I never expected to cause a chain like this. Anyway, I've been pretty happy with HANAH products over the years. I use the HANAH ONE too. Yet too try the Coffee Boost though ;)"

Peter: "I tried Hannah looking for an addition to my diet that was unprocessed and diverse. I cook most of what I eat and recognize the boost I get from proper fueling and HANAH provides that for my energy and mental clarity. I have used this through ironman training regimes and stressful periods of office work as well as everything in between.  Love it."

Kevin: "Bought the HANAH ONE, Coffee Boost, and Ashwaghanda. Used all three daily and definitely felt a difference. Highly recommend this product for active people."

Maureen: "Almost 60 times around the sun this Fall. About a year ago I started with HANAH ONE and committed to moving more. Lots more. Then started pottery, for big bowls and moon jars to hold all this new energy and commitment. And classes and work. HANAH ONE has helped me to do more than ever, with intention and focus."

Isaac: "I first tried HANAH a few years ago and fell in love instantly!  I have tried to make my own version because it's out of my normal budget, but I haven't been able to recreate it.  As such, it's a once-a-year splurge I always look forward to.  Whether it's smeared on homemade bread before a big mountain bike ride, mixed with coffee before surfing, or just stirring it into a few scoops of almond butter, I feel charged and ready to adventure with a happy belly!"

Chuck: "I’m a new customer who recently started taking the HANAH ONE Supplement. Can’t yet speak to the Ayurvedic effects but the flavor profile is wonderful! Earthy, sweet, with an umami kick at the end. Excited to incorporate this product into my daily routine and explore its benefits over the next couple months."

Kimberly: "I have been using the HANAH ONE and the Coffee Boost for a little over a month now. I can say with a lot of confidence that I have been positively affected by these products. For starters, I immediately noticed a significant decrease in cravings for any type of junk food and even had less of a need for sugary snacks. I also have noticed a nice improvement in my mood. My anxiety has decreased and I feel generally more balanced. I have felt so happy to have discovered this amazing company!!"

Jill: "I fell in love with shilajit, and was buying from another company.  They temporarily ran out, and I recalled the HANAH name from a Men's Health article.   I gave it a try.  But for some reason I was anticipating the resin, and was sad to see the capsules instead.  The 3 free bonus ghee and honey pouches made me smile, though.  And now, I am about to purchase my 2nd jar of HANAH ONE.  Try it one time!  The synergistic effect of sustained focus, of energy will inspire you.  Thank you, HANAH!!!."

RJ: "My HANAH ONE journey began about a year and a half ago. As anything new, I was a skeptic at first. I remember that I felt like it took by body a week or so to adjust. I tried it with my granola, in my coffee, smoothies and have settled into straight off the spoon or out of the ToGoPack. I love the taste and consistency. My daily routine is Turmeric, Ashwaganda and Cordyceps in my morning granola or smoothie and HANAH ONE after lunch. The HANAH ONE provides the energy boost and mental focus to get me through the afternoon. The HANAH ONE ToGoPacks are a must for traveling or when ever I am on the go. Headed to the airport at 4am or halfway through a 10 mile hike, it is a savior! We have recently added HANAH Coffee Boost into our regime. My wife is a big believer in the morning boost it provides. Honestly, I have hesitated in providing a review in the past, but we have become big fans and firm believers in the benefits of HANAH. Our adult children enjoy HANAH as well. Lastly, HANAH's customer care is awesome!"

Peter: “HANAH ONE Daily Superfood, Shilajat, and Turmeric have become the only regular, daily supplements that I take and I feel amazing.  I am a 42 year old step-father of 3 who has 4 "full-time jobs".  My 9-5 in the office, my role as a father to three amazing kids, my role as a husband, and my training for trail running races in the Colorado mountains and beyond.  So I am definitely burning the candle at all ends.  Over the past year, I had been experimenting with various supplements for recovery, sleep, energy, etc and none were what I wanted.  Then I found the HANAH ONE Daily Superfood in August 2019 through an add about Jimmy Chin.  I figured if it worked for him, I might benefit from it.  I began taking it regularly and noticed the results immediately.  My energy levels were higher and by the end of the day, I didn't feel tired.  I had the energy and drive I needed to manage all aspects of my life and to push my training to level's I hadn't seen in years.  I began researching the other HANAH products and added in Shilajat for immunity and Turmeric for recovery from my running and weight training workouts.  I feel amazing and stronger and faster then I felt when I was 25.  I attribute my physical and mental well-being in part to my regiment of HANAH ONE products.  I haven't gotten sick since I started taking the products, and my knees and lower back recover faster from my hard hill sessions.  Also, I notice when I do not take the daily superfood, which is a rare occurrence.  But on the days I do not take it, I notice a difference in my energy levels.  So what I'm saying is, I believe fully in the HANAH ONE line of products and have made them a part of my professional, personal, and athletic life.  To win this prize pack would be awesome and would just further my ability to push myself on a daily basis.”  

Still not convinced? Read more reviews here.

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